Pet Owners

Ultrasound is gentle on your pet and informative for your vet.

Dr. Sarah Cooper and assistant of Appalachian Veterinary Ultrasound performing an ultrasound on a large dog

Benefits of Ultrasounds

Ultrasound is a non-invasive way to gain a tremendous amount of valuable information about what is going on inside your pet. Ultrasound is often used to scan your pet’s abdomen or chest, but can be used to look at any other parts of a pet that we can't see from the outside, like skin lumps and inside the eyes.

Ultrasound probe icon for Appalachian Veterinary Ultrasound

Abdominal Ultrasound

heart and paw echocardiogram icon for Appalachian Veterinary Ultrasound services

An abdominal ultrasound provides a comprehensive look inside the abdomen where all organs are examined, and many disease processes can be diagnosed (and ruled out), which allows your vet to formulate the best treatment plan possible for your pet.


Also known as a cardiac ultrasound, echocardiograms allow us to look at the heart and find any structural changes that might explain heart murmurs, abnormal rhythms, or episodes of cough and collapse. Imaging the heart in this way also helps determine if pets are safe to undergo anesthesia.

needle icon for Appalachian Veterinary Ultrasound services

Ultrasound-Guided Procedures

We use ultrasounds to achieve minimally invasive procedures including, fine needle aspirates, tissue core biopsies, fluid drainage, and foreign body retrieval.

Dr. Sarah Cooper and assistant arriving at veterinarian clinic with ultrasound equipment mobile vet service

We Work Directly with Your Vet

Working directly with your vet ensures the fastest care and diagnosis for your pet. Schedule your pet’s ultrasound through one of our vet partners below.

Watauga + Ashe County Vet Partners

Wilkes County Vet Partners

Mitchell County Vet Partners

Catawba County Vet Partners

Caldwell County Vet Partners

Burke + Carter County Vet Partners

Avery County Vet Partners